a picture of Tom

Tom’s Tips, Links and Tidbits Newsletter

Wednesday 1st July 2009

Happy New Financial Year to you! Hope the last one finished well for you and you have big plans for this new one. I have a special mention for you this week - probably very much on my mind as a have a client and the wife of an email buddy both fighting cancer at present. In researching for an article on nutrition I came across this page: Digestive Enzymes and Cancer http://www.healthrecipes.com/food_enzymes.htm A friend of ours has been extolling the virtues of raw food, specifically sprouts, for some time. Seems there’s more than a “grain” of truth in it.


Basic Computer User

Bypassing Recycle Bin

Warning: The following processes will permanently delete your file(s) and, in most cases, irrecoverable.

The ad-hoc method:
Highlight the file(s) you wish to delete, hold down the Shift key whist pressing the Delete key.

The permanent method:

Hold down the Alt key whilst double-clicking the Recycle Bin. From the pop-up Recycle Bin Properties, check the box that say “Do not move files to the Recycle Bin. Remove files immediately when deleted”.

A Violent Computer Virus Cure?

It’s never reasonable to throw out a drive because of a virus infestation. here

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Advanced Computer User

Registry Clean Up Tools Reviewed

The system registry is an essential part of Windows. Over time, uninstalled programs and spyware can clog up the registry resulting in error messages, system crashes and a serious decrease in performance. Fixing the registry manually is a difficult and time consuming process best left to the experts. Registry cleaner software fixes registry errors automatically and gets your PC running as good as new in a matter of minutes rather than hours. here

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This Potent Spice Taken as Little as Once a Week Can Fight Dementia

New research shows that eating curry once or twice a week could help prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease and dementia. The key reason is curcumin, a component of the spice turmeric. here

Who Knew Preventing Kidney Stones was This Easy?

The best remedy is also the best prevention, and also happens to be the least expensive: simply drink more water. here

Glycemic Index Decoded

Created nearly 30 years ago, the glycemic index ranks carbohydrates on how much they raise blood sugar. here

Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder

As the anticipated July release date for Baxter’s A/H1N1 flu pandemic vaccine approaches, an Austrian investigative journalist is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity is underway. Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder. more

Don’t Be A Victim Of The “Solution”

The last swine flu vaccine killed over 100 times the one person who died from the flu. here

Natural Headache Helpers

Some data on causes and natural cures for those of us afflicted with headaches. here

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Using Google for Definitions

Doing some research on nutrition, health, aging etc. and just learned a really, really useful trick. If you want to know the definition of a word just type the word define followed by a colon, like this: define:dna Google gives you a page long list of definitions for the word you entered. You can then select the one that best fits or combine several to get what you need to know. Great time-saver.

3 Ways to Kill Mold Naturally

There are three natural materials that can be used as a spray to kill mold and mildew. They are all an excellent substitute for less environmentally safe bleach. here

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Video Links

World’s Best Waker Upper

Now why didn’t I think of this 20 years ago when we were trying to get my eldest daughter up in the morning? here

Jessica The Pet Hippo

Hippos kill more people than any other mammal in Africa. But here’s a big exception! here

Changing Your Beliefs About Health and Illness

Who is responsible for your health, your genes or you? here

"Prescription for Disaster"

Trailer of a new film by Gary Null. here

African storm

A choral rendition of Toto’s classic - masterful and moving. here

YouTube Video Optimization for Search Engine Optimization

YouTube has become a dominant force in on the web. YouTube videos are often showing up on Google natural search engine results surpassing the top spots. here

We Are The World

A video of a great song. here

A Great New Phone!

How handy would this be? here

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Copyright© 2009 by Tom Grimshaw
PO Box 470 Glebe NSW 2037