The Home of Tom’s
Tips, Links and Tidbits Newsletter
compiled and published by Tom because

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NOTE: I have taken my newsletter archive offline for the time being to do some maintenance work on it.

Would you like to receive at no cost a weekly newsletter to enlighten, inspire and entertain?

Since 2006 I have collected the best of what hit my digital desk, added it to the best of what I saw on the internet and published it for a select few. Because of the positive feedback I keep receiving I opened up subscriptions to this free newsletter to the general public.

To give you two examples of the feedback I receive:

BTW, thanks for the great email Newsletters! : ) I have been reading them for years now and they are one of few things I really look forward to seeing in my inbox. I never file them without reading them, and I always get something I can use from each one.

Kind Regards,

Thanks Tom,

I always look through your Tips, Links and Tidbits Newsletter, reading thoroughly those items that interest me. You manage, on a continuous basis, to come up with interesting, informative, and inspiring stuff. Kudos to you!

May you and yours have a great Coming Year.

All the best


I respect the trust you place in me so without your permission I do not pass on your email address to anyone else.

If you would like to receive your copy of my Tips, Links and Tidbits in your email in-box each Wednesday just send me an email: Subscribe

Of course if at any point you don’t find it entertaining or enlightening, just let me know and I will remove you from the list of subscribers.

If you have not seen a copy of my newsletter, just scroll down and click on a date to browse a back issue.

If you are already a subscriber and you want others to enjoy the newsletter too, tell a friend!

Click here to learn how to avoid degenerative disease and stay healthy for longer...

Click here to check out what could very well be the nutrition your body craves.


Until next time,
dream big dreams,
plan out how to achieve them,
be continually executing your plans,
enlist people to your causes,
travel and/or read widely, preferably both,
all the while observing what you observe
rather than thinking what you are told to think,
think well of your fellow man,
take time to help your fellow man,
he sorely needs it and it will help you too,
eat food that is good for your body,
exercise your body,
take time to destress,
and do the important things
that make a difference -
they are rarely the urgent ones!



Most of the content herein has been copied from someone else. Especially the images. My goodness some people are talented at creating aesthetics! The small bits that are of my creation are Copyright 2006-2024 © by Tom Grimshaw - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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